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EU FOSSA Hackathons

Symfony Hackathon 2019

API Platform Project achievements

During the hackathon multiple API Platform contributors were present, some of them from the core team and available to help others.

When it comes to API Platform we merged 20 PR, opened 10 new PR, closed 87 issues and opened 4 new. Lots of work being done by the contributors, big kudos!!

Since 2 years ago, API Platform supports subresources, which allows to access a relation from a resource. It is used a lot and is very powerful, but it has a lot of complexity and is limited.

With the help of @vincentchalamon, @soyuka and @torreytsui, some research was made on how to improve the subresources by reducing the complexity of the implementation and by enabling the POST/PUT operations for the subresources (,

Thanks to @jewome62, it’s now possible to populate an object recursively with the serializer to normalize a DateTimeZone object, and to get an instanciated object from an associative array of values.

@soyuka did a lot to close stale issues, along with @vincentchalamon.

@gregoirehebert fixed an issue where the cache was still purged even if there was no GET operation on an ApiResource, and added a way to switch the API Platform version for the documentation (

@Deuchnord worked on the client generator, you’ll be able to use Mercure on the Vue.js generated client soon.

@alanpoulain worked on multiple things about GraphQL, MongoDB, and the event system of API Platform:

@jfthuillier worked on the documentation on how to customize easily the API Platform admin. He also started a PoC on how to use the guesser from react-admin in API Platform Admin.

@antograssiot did work on multiple features and fixes:

Same for @toflar who worked on his great improvements, like removing some hard dependencies:

@Nek worked on features and bugfixes:

@soyuka finished something @simperfit started improving IDs management.