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EU FOSSA Hackathons

Symfony Hackathon 2019

Box achievements

Humbug Box is an application bundler for PHP apps. It allows one to ship a PHP app into a PHAR and distribute it with ease.

Over the last few months, Box has been growing in popularity especially within the Laravel community thanks to the Laravel Zero framework, a spin-off of Laravel more focused on CLI applications.

In contrast, while Box is being used with a lot of projects making use of Symfony components, it cannot be used – at least easily, with a standard Symfony application.

Thanks to this hackathon, I could, besides working on other Symfony related issues, and with the help of @nicolas-grekas, @stof and @tucksaun, work on adding support for Symfony to Box.

The result was:

This work also resulted directly into:

Also, more discussions have been made on how to integrate a REPL to Symfony with minimal dependencies (which has been a recurring problem so far) thanks to PsySH and Box.